Your Loved One Can Overcome Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is unfortunately, one of the most difficult addictions to break free from. You may feel that you aren’t able to help them and that there is no solution. When dealing with someone who is addicted to cocaine, you may hear all types of different advice. Well meaning people will tell you to just let them hit bottom. Some will even say to give up on them. You may even feel that giving up is the best route to take and that’s understandable.
Dealing with the ups and downs of your loved one can be exhausting and draining. Constant turmoil becomes a way of life that you never knew you would have to live. The good news is that there is a solution. The solution is staging a cocaine intervention for your loved one.
Signs of Cocaine Addiction
If you suspect that your loved one is addicted to cocaine but aren’t exactly sure, these are the signs to look out for…
- Up and down moods
- Talking and Moving Fast
- Irritable
- Nervous
- Frequently Isolates
- Financial Trouble
Of course, there are other drugs that have these same effects, but cocaine use has a main difference from other drugs. The up and down periods will be shorter. For example, your loved one will be up and happy for 30 minutes to an hour and then experience a crash.
We can help you ensure a successful
intervention for a loved one
intervention for a loved one
Call: (877) 245-2384
We can help you ensure a successful intervention for a loved one
Call: (877) 245-2384
Don’t Wait to Intervene On Your Loved One’s Cocaine Addiction
There is a myth that is often told to families. The myth is that in order for treatment to be effective, your loved one has to want it. This myth is dangerous because it often leaves families under the impression that they must wait to hear their loved one express willingness to get help. Because of the nature of the disease of addiction, families often wait for a day that doesn’t come. And in the meantime, families continue to subject themselves to dealing with the chaos of their loved one’s addiction. We want you to know that your family doesn’t have to. Stepping in and intervening now is always the best option. Addiction will only get worse for those who do not see the error in their ways.
Contrary to what people also often say, your loved one does not have to reach rock bottom to be able to get better. Allowing someone to continue on in their addiction with the expectation that they will eventually reach rock bottom is dangerous. Often times that rock bottom is death.
Why Intervention is Effective for Cocaine Addiction
Intervention is effective because it brings the entire family together for a common goal. The goal is to get your loved one in treatment. Those who are addicted to drugs such as cocaine often manipulate their family members for their own benefit. Odds are that you and your family have been trained by your addicted loved one to react a certain way through manipulation. This helps keep their addiction going. Our interventionists have years of experience and that means they have seen it all. A professional interventionist can help you and your family focus on what is important and put aside any confusion. You don’t have to deal with your loved one’s cocaine addiction alone anymore.
Over the course of a two-day period, our interventionist will meet with your family to prepare for the intervention and stage the intervention. As soon as your loved one agrees to go to treatment, they will be ready to be admitted to a reputable treatment center the same day.
Our Interventionists Are Quick And Responsive
Once our interventionist starts working with your family, no time will be wasted. Over the course of a two-day period, our interventionist will meet with your family to prepare for the intervention and stage the intervention. As soon as your loved one agrees to go to treatment, they will be ready to be admitted to a reputable treatment center the same day. Our interventionist will start working with your loved one’s insurance before the intervention is staged to find a program that fits his or her needs.