Christian Intervention
We are proud to offer Christian faith-based addiction intervention services. We understand that many Christian families are hesitant to come forward and seek help for their loved ones. The problem is, that this is only prolonging the inevitable and creating a protective bubble that allows the addiction to continue. The Bible talks about God as a loving father who disciplines his children. The purpose of staging an addiction intervention is to send one message: we love you and we want you to get help.
Christian Intervention from a Biblical Perspective
It can be hard to know how to help when your loved one is battling an addiction. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it”. That tells us that there’s hope for the addicted people we love. It starts with vocalizing your support for recovery. The support of loved ones often sparks the realization that he or she won’t have to go through treatment alone.
You need to be willing to confront your loved one who is battling an addiction. A confrontation or intervention shouldn’t be a combative conversation. Intervention specialists recommend a peaceful conversation. Approach the individual in a calm and gentle manner. You need to come from a place of love, and not judgment. Remember, Matthew 7:2 says, “For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.” Unfortunately, addiction can happen to anyone. In fact, there are many people who sustain injuries and end up addicted to pain pills as they recover.
Planning a Christian Intervention
It’s important to create a plan for the intervention. As mentioned above, say things from a place of love. The point is not to make the person feel like you’re judging or belittling him or her. Open the conversation on a positive note. Start by mentioning all the wonderful aspects that you appreciate about them. It’s a good idea to have an impartial party there to assist with a Christian intervention. Believe it or not, your church probably has an interventionist available. If not, you can find a Christian interventionist elsewhere who will lead the discussion based on Christian principles.
It’s important to hold a Christian intervention with a biblical backdrop. This can help the person see that not only do family members love him or her, but God does also. Many people who are battling addiction become lost. They assume that the Lord can never look on them with grace again. This just isn’t true. The Lord is always ready to forgive us for our transgressions. That is, if we’re willing to turn away from them and follow the path of righteousness.
There Is Hope for Addiction in Jesus
Everyone has a past and has made bad decisions in life. There are some people who think that once they’ve fallen into addiction, there’s no turning back. This isn’t the case. There’s always hope in Jesus. Jesus loves us regardless of what we do in life, as long as we’re willing to take Him into our hearts. In James 4:10, the Bible says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Your loved one must be willing to admit that they made mistakes. Furthermore, or she must be ready and willing to get addiction treatment.
Most addicted people eventually get to a point where substances no longer relieve their pain. However, you can find relief in Jesus. In 1 Peter 3:11, the Bible says, “They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.” This means that when your loved one is ready; they need to be willing to walk away from their addiction for good. Jesus will love and guide them through treatment. He will carry them on their journey to recovery if they’re willing to trust in Him.
Faith’s Role in a Christian Intervention
When planning a loving approach for your loved one about their substance abuse, it’s hard to know where to start. You don’t know how the person will react to your concerns. Contact us when you’re ready to hold a Christian intervention. We’ll counsel your family through this complicated situation. We’ll help you navigate through what you need to say, as well as what you need to avoid saying. Finally, we’ll help you use biblical teachings to motivate your loved one to get treatment.
Research has shown that treatment works. But we can enhance its efficiency by having faith in the process and in our addicted loved one. Pray to the Lord to provide your family with the proper words to say during the Christian intervention. Certain terms can make your loved one feel judged and may even cause them to run away, instead of agreeing to treatment. It’s important to express your concerns and their need for help. Express that everyone is there to support them. According to Proverbs 27:5, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love.” It can be hard to tell your loved one that they have an addiction. But the sooner you do, the sooner they can get their life back.
Recovery After a Christian Intervention Takes Time and Support
When your loved one goes to a rehab treatment program, they still need your support. They need you to pray that they’ll have the strength to stick with the program. They need to be able to focus on their recovery without the distraction of what’s going on at home. Some families mistakenly think that tough love is the best approach to someone with an addiction. However, it’s far more helpful to show compassion to your loved one.
Remember that Galatians 6:1 says, “Brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.” If you simply ignore the problem or try to diminish the severity of it, your loved one may not survive. Accidental overdoses often lead to death. It’s important to intervene in this destructive lifestyle as soon as possible.
Walking with God in Recovery After a Christian Intervention
A professional treatment facility can help your loved one overcome addiction in a safe and confidential way. No one needs to know that they’re in a treatment facility. The addicted patient can decide who to share the information with. This allows them to get the help they need without having to worry about others judging or shaming them. Once they’re sober, they can start to build a solid foundation for their life. There are programs in many churches that encourage and support sobriety. Your loved one can meet with other Christians who have also struggled with addiction. This provides them with the opportunity to get advice from those they can trust. It also allows them to talk about their temptations, which makes it easier to overcome and avoid.
God wants us to find joy and happiness on this earth. An addiction to drugs or alcohol prohibits the natural joy that He wants us to experience every day. Overcoming addiction, a treatable psychological disease, awakens the part of us that can fully accept His love. You’re loved one is likely saturated in denial about the disease. Denial is a powerful and common symptom of addiction. Carefully planning a Christian intervention can help a family surmount their addicted loved one’s dissent.