When Is Staging An Addiction Intervention The Best Option?

 In Intervention

It’s not always easy to get a loved one to go to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Some people might not be willing to admit they have a problem. They might not be willing to spend any amount of time in a rehab center for addiction either.

In this blog, we discuss the circumstances that make addiction intervention the best option.

When Your Loved One is in Deep Denial

Denial is a roadblock that can prevent a person from getting help in addiction treatment and moving their life forward. How can you help the person you love get past their denial?

How can you get them to accept the assistance they need to truly get better?

Being on the outside looking in, it may be confusing to understand how they’re in denial about having an addiction. The harm their addiction is causing is pretty clear to everyone around them. There are different types of denial and defenses that a person uses to avoid pain.

The types of denial are simple denial, projection, and minimization. Simple denial is when a person denies that something painful happening in their life is actually happening. Minimization is when a person will minimize the seriousness of the problem but still acknowledge it.

Projection is when a person acknowledges both the existence and severity but blames others. People with addiction tend to struggle with denial about their issue. To work your way in and help them make a change, you’ll need to have an intervention.

When You Have Tried Everything Else 

Denial is the biggest obstacle in the addicted person’s treatment for drugs and alcohol. One way of overcoming denial is through doing a professional intervention for the substance abuse problem.

Guided by professional interventionists, family, and friends can learn about addiction. They can also learn how to deal with an addicted person and stop denial. During professional interventions, people find out how to change the focus of blaming the addicted person.

Switching focus is replaced by positive ways to work with the person who has the addiction. The interventionist, as well as the others involved, work together to help the addicted person see the truth about the disease.

This is possible by using examples of the painful effects it is having on others. When this happens, it tends to lead to seeking treatment. Drug and alcohol addiction interventions are a process that works. Most addicted people seeing a professional interventionist make a decision to get treatment for their problem.

That’s usually the first move toward recovery from addiction. The hard truth is that until that they have already attempted almost everything else, interventions do not occur.

When other options have failed people begin to look into other methods such as intervention. While waiting until you have no more available options is not the best way, it can still be helpful. Interventions can sometimes be perceived as one of the most abrupt methods. Addiction intervention methods certainly have a strong effect.

Get Your Loved One Help

Interventions work only if you pursue every suggestion that the professional interventionist has provided you with. If you’re determined to do everything to stop enabling your loved one, an intervention is best.

If you’re really ready to follow through with what you say, you should be okay. You need to be open and able to be taught during the entire process. Change is difficult and seems almost impossible for some people.

Even if that change is positive, it is still just as hard. Many families say they can’t get into a drug and alcohol interventionist because they’re scared of the whole process or they don’t want to get angry with their loved one who’s addicted.

Some families don’t believe that the intervention will work. They don’t think help will be accepted by the addicted person. Many may not realize it, however, the attention which drug and alcohol interventionists offer are often accepted.

Whether realized or not, this acceptance is done in an emotional and internal way. At the intervention, addicts might not show this but almost all of them do feel it. Even if your addicted loved one complains they truly do want help.

Most people tend to take the road that is the least challenging. If a loved one has an addiction, they do want to get better and make you happy. Yet giving power to the drug cravings is much quicker and so is excuse making. So, it comes down to the family.

It’s the family’s choice to get help. Getting help makes getting a person into treatment the easiest path for a family.

When the Situation is Volatile

Has an attempt to talk to your addicted loved one not worked out? Has it only caused more uncomfortable living conditions or violent acts? Getting help from an interventionist will pave the way and calm the situation.

Family members can end up yelling and saying harmful things to one another. Addiction interventions have a process of specific methods organized to admit and encourage your loved one into rehab.

For this to happen they have to see that the intervention is helpful. Interventionists have a process to meet this and help them see its aim is not to punish.

A professional interventionist has a purpose to help the addict seek treatment. Interventions help them accept responsibility for the addiction. Changing occurs in the dynamics of the family comfortably with an intervention.

A professional can help motivate the addict to change. They are mainly in it to bring hope and direction back and help the family gain strength. An addicted person will not try to get help until there’s a good reason.

A good interventionist gives that reason to the addict. Also, the reason for recovery is on terms determined by the family, not the addict.

An interventionist draws together all family member personalities. He or she does this with all of the opposing views but also concentrates on one solution that works comfortably for everyone. An intervention is far more complicated than having a family involved conversation.

There are many goals for competent interventionists to achieve with each and every family worked with. Interventionists understand how much a family is going through. Having an intervention helps take away much of the burden on a family. It makes it easier for the family and the addict to change.

Intervention can be the thing that sets change into the motion and changes the course of your loved one’s future -for the better. 



[1]National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018, June). Understanding Drug Use and Addiction. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/understanding-drug-use-addiction

[2] Young, M.D., J. L. (2014, August 27). Drug & Alcohol Interventions: Do They Work? Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/when-your-adult-child-breaks-your-heart/201408/drug-and-alcohol-interventions-do-they-work

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